API procedures

The Ringtail API allows for a more advanced, flexible use of ringtail where the user can create their own scripts. In the case of the docking engine AutoDock-Vina that outputs docking results as strings, Ringtail can be directly integrated in the virtual screen pipeline and add docking results to the database as soon as the docking engine outputs the results.

The Ringtail API can thus process output files from both AutoDock-GPU (DLGs) and vina (PDBQTs), as well as vina strings. Ringtail is intended to be used for a set of docking results for a single target and binding site. This may include multiple ligand libraries as long as the target and binding site is the same. e cautious when adding results from multiple screening runs. Ringtail only allows one receptor per database, and will do this by checking that the receptor name is the same. However, if you do multiple screens with e.g., different binding pockets for the same receptor, this information will not be checked, and Ringtail will allow any data to be appended to a database as long as the receptor name is the same. One receptor PDBQT may also be saved to the database.

Unlike the command line interace (Command line interface) the API does not need to be specified for a write or read mode. It works by instantiating a RingtailCore object, and performing actions on that object. The API also offers some extra flexibility compared to the command line interface, for example it is possible to produce an internally inconsistent database that includes docking results from both AutoDock-GPU and vina, or saving docking results with different number of poses. Due to the nature of how the Ringtail API can be used, as long as a RingtailCore object has been instantiated you can keep adding results without e.g., specifying that you are appending to an existing database.

Please note that Ringtail does not automatically have permission to perform changes outside of the working directory, so be advised that any folders or documents that Ringtail outputs will be saved in the current working directory.

Ringtail inputs

Start by creating an instance of the RingtailCore class. The object will be created with the default database file name of output.db unless otherwise specified. The logger level may also be set at this time, and defaults to "WARNING". The docking_mode defaults to "dlg" (AutoDock-GPU) and can be set at instantiation or changed at any time by directly setting the docking_mode property of the RingtailCore object.

rtc = RingtailCore()
rtc = RingtailCore(db_file = "output.db", logging_level = "DEBUG", docking_mode = "vina")
rtc.docking_mode = "dlg"

Writing docking results to the database

To add results from docking results files, the method add_results_from_files is used. It allows one or multiple sources of results, and a range of options pertinent to the storage handling and the results processing can be set at this time. Please note that both sources of results and settings for database writing can be provided as single options or a dictionary of allowed keywords and values. If both are provided, any individual options will overwrite that given in the dictionary. The path to the receptor file is considered part of the results options.

rtc.add_results_from_files( file = ["lig1.dlg", "lig2.dlg"]
                            file_path = "path1/path2",
                            file_list = "filelist.txt",
                            recursive = True,
                            receptor_file = "receptor.pdbqt",
                            save_receptor = True,)

Example file list:


Adding a receptor

The receptor can be added to a database by itself, either to a populated database without a receptor, or to an empty database that you anticipate to fill with docking results later.

rtc.save_receptor(receptor_file = "receptor.pdbqt")

Printing a database summary

If at any point you wish to print a summary of the contents of the database, the method can be called directly.


Input options

The Ringtail API uses the same options that are used in the command line interface. Relevant to adding results to the database, including how many poses of a docked ligand to save, and how to handle any duplicated ligands.

Handling of duplicate and existing results

With the Ringtial API you can keep adding results using the same object without specifying whether or not to append_results, which is contrary to the command line interface where one command line call corresponds to one ringtail core object and one connection to the database. You can specify what to do if you are adding duplicate results for a ligand, by invoking the duplicate_handling keyword with the value IGNORE (will not add the newest duplicate) or REPLACE (will overwrite the newest duplicate). Please note that the duplicate_handling option makes database writing significantly slower.

rtc.add_results_from_files( file_path = "path1/",
                            duplicate_handling = "REPLACE")

Handling interaction parameters

ADGPU is capable of performing interaction analysis at runtime, with these results being stored in the database if present. If interaction analysis is not present in the input file (including Vina PDBQTs), it may be added by Ringtail with the add_interactions option. This adds a signifcant increase to the total database write time. Distance cutoffs for the interactions are specified with the interaction_cutoffs option. Adding interactions requires that the receptor has already been added to the database, or by supplying the receptor PDBQT as one of the inputs.

rtc.docking_mode = "vina"
rtc.add_results_from_files( file = "lig1.pdbqt"
                            add_interactions = True,
                            receptor_file = "receptor.pdbqt",
                            save_receptor = True,
                            interaction_cutoffs = [3.7, 4.0])

The interaction_tolerance option also allows the user to give more leeway for poses to pass given interaction filters. With this option, the interactions from poses within c angstrom RMSD of a cluster’s top pose will be appended to the interactions for that top pose. The theory behind this is that this gives some sense of the “fuzziness” of a given binding pose, allowing the user to filter for interactions that may not be present for the top pose specifically, but could be easily accessible to it. When used as a flag, the interaction_tolerance default is 0.8 angstroms. The user may also specify their own cutoff. This option is intended for use with DLGs from AD-GPU, which clusters output poses based on RMSD.

rtc.docking_mode = "dlg"
rtc.add_results_from_files( file_path = "path1/",
                            duplicate_handling = "REPLACE",
                            interaction_tolerance = 0.6)

Number of poses to save

By default (for DLGs), Ringtail will store the best-scored (lowest energy) binding pose from the first 3 pose clusters in the DLG. For Vina, Ringtail will store the 3 best poses. Additional settings for writing to the database include how to handle the number of poses docked (max_poses, or store_all_poses which will overwrite the former).

rtc.add_results_from_files( file_path = "path2"
                            max_poses = 5)

Iteratively appending to a database

When results are added to the database, there is a final step where some tables are indexed, and some database properties saved. If you are adding data iteratively through e.g., a for-loop and adding some number at files at once, it is time-consuming (and not necessary) to do this every iteration. Instead, you can invoke the keyword finalize=False, and run the finalization method separately at the end:

for folder in enumerate("path_with_many_folders"):
    rtc.add_results_from_files( file_path = folder,
                                finalize = False)



Docking results stored in the Ringtail database can be filtered using the filter method. When filtering, a text log file will be created containing the results passing the given filter(s). The default log name is output_log.txt and by default will include the ligand name (Ligand_Name) and docking score (e) of every pose passing filtering criteria. The name of the filter log name may be changed using the log_file keyword.

Scoring filters

There are six scoring filters that include best (ebest) and worst docking score/energy (eworst), best and worst ligand efficieny (lebest and leworst), and results above worst docking score or ligand efficiency percentile (score_percentile and le_percentile, respecitvely). Some of these are internally inconsistent: if both eworst and score_percentile are used together, the eworst cutoff alone is used. The same is true of leworst and le_percentile.

rtc.filter(score_percentile = 0.1, log_file = "output_log_01percent.txt")

The information written to the log file can be specified with outfields. The full list of available output fields may be seen in the documentation/”hover-over” over the method. By default, only the information for the top-scoring binding pose will be written to the log. If desired, each individual passing pose can be written by using output_all_poses = True. The passing results may also be ordered in the log file using the order_results option.

rtc.filter(eworst = -6, outfields = "Ligand_Name,e,rank,receptor", order_results = "ref_rmsd", bookmark_name = "eworst6")

When filtering, the passing results are also saved as a view (or bookmark) in the database. This view is named passing_results by default. The user can specify a name for the view with the bookmark_name keyword. No filtering is performed if no filters are given (see full list of filters #REF). Filtering may take from seconds to minutes, depending on the size of the database, roughly scaling as O(n) for n database Results rows (i.e. stored poses). Data for poses in a view may be accessed later using the get_previous_filter_data method.

rtc.get_previous_filter_data(outfields = "Ligand_Name,e,rank", bookmark_name = "eworst6", log_file = "previously_filtered_results.txt")

Interaction filters

It is possible to filter the docking results based on different types of interactions (hydrogen bonds and van der waals interactions) with specific residues. It is further possible to have ligands pass the filters while only fulfilling some of the interaction combinations in union (max number of interactions combinations missed, max_miss). The available interaction filters are hb_interactions, vdw_interactions, and reactive_interactions. Interaction filters must be specified as the interaction specifications in the order CHAIN:RES:NUM:ATOM_NAME. Any combination of that information may be used, as long as 3 colons are present and the information ordering between the colons is correct. All desired interactions of a given type is specified as a list of one or more tuples of specified reactions and weather to show results that includes (":::", True) or exclude (":::", False) them as shown below for vdw_interactions:

rtc.filter( eworst=-2,
            vdw_interactions=[('A:VAL:279:', True), ('A:LYS:162:', True)])

The max_miss keywords allows the user to filter by given interactions excluding up to max_miss interactions. This gives \(\sum_{m=0}^{m}\frac{n!}{(n-m)!*m!}\) combinations for n interaction filters and m max_miss. By default, results will be given for the union of the interaction conbinations. Use with enumerate_interaction_combs = True to log ligands/poses passing each separate interaction combination (can significantly increase runtime). If max_miss > 0 is used during filtering, a view is created for each combination of interaction filters and is named <bookmark_name>_<n> where n is the index of the filter combination in the log file (indexing from 0). react_any offers an option to filtering for poses that have reactions with any residue.

rtc.filter( eworst=-6,
            vdw_interactions=[('A:VAL:279:', True), ('A:LYS:162:', True)],
            hb_interactions = [("A:VAL:279:", True), ("A:LYS:162:)", True)],
            max_miss = 1,
            react_any = True)

Ligand filters

Several filters pertaining to the SMARTS structure of the ligand can be used. For example, ligands can be filtered for presence of certain substrctures specified by their SMARTS string using ligand_substruct, as well as their ligand name contaning a specific phrase ligand_name. The ligand name search will include any ligand names that contain the specified phrase, and does not look for exact matches only. Use the keyword ligand_operator to determine if the ligand filters should be evaluated as this OR that (default), or combined with AND. ligand_max_atoms can be used to specify maximum number of heavy atoms a ligand may have.

rtc.filter(ligand_substruct=["[Oh]C", "C=O"], ligand_name="cool_ligand",ligand_operator="AND", ligand_max_atoms=5)

The ligand_substruct_pos option may be used to filter for a specific ligand substructure to be placed within some distance of a given cartesian coordinate. The format for this option using the API is as a list of the six elements: ["<SMARTS pattern: str>"," <index of atom in SMARTS: int>, <cutoff distance: float>, <target x coord: float>, <target y coord: float>, <target z coord: float>]. If seachring for more than one ligand_substruct_pos make the value a list of lists.

rtc.filter(ligand_name="_1", ligand_substruct_pos=[["C=O", 1, 10, 102, 106, 154], ['[C][Oh]', 1, 10, 102, 106, 154]])


In addition to the filtering options outlined in the table below, ligands passing given filters can be clustered to provide a reduced set of dissimilar ligands based on Morgan fingerprints (mfpt_cluster) or interaction (interaction_cluster) fingerprints. Dissimilarity is measured by Tanimoto distance (float input to the cluster keyword) and clustering is performed with the Butina clustering algorithm. Clustering can be also be performed on a bookmark that has already been saved to the database, without providing any extra filter values. In this case, the bookmark over which to cluster (or additional filtering) on is specified by filter_bookmark (must be different from bookmark_name that contains previously filtered results).

rtc.filter( filter_bookmark = "eworst6",
            mfpt_cluster = 0.6)

While not quite a filtering option, the user can provide a ligand name from a previously-run clustering and re-output other ligands that were clustered with that query ligand with the method find_similar_ligands. The user is prompted at runtime to choose a specific clustering group from which to re-output ligands. Filtering/clustering will be performed from the same command-line call prior to this similarity search, but all subsequent output tasks will be performed on the group of similar ligands obtained with this option unless otherwise specified.


Output options

There are multiple options to output and visualize data in Ringtail.

Creating scatter plot of ligands

The method plot generates a scatterplot of ligand efficiency vs docking score for the top-scoring pose from each ligand. Ligands passing the given filters or in the bookmark given with the keyword bookmark_name will be highlighted in red. The plot also includes histograms of the ligand efficiencies and binding energies. The plot is saved as scatter.png.


Evaluating molecules in 3d space with PyMol

The pymol flag generates a scatterplot of ligand efficiency vs docking score as well, but only for the ligands contained in the bookmark specified with bookmark_name. It also launches a PyMol session and will display the ligands in PyMol when clicked on the scatterplot. N.B.: Some users may encounter a ConnectionRefusedError. If this happens, try manually launching PyMol (pymol -R) in a separate terminal window.

rtc.pymol(bookmark_name = "eworst6")

Export molecule SDF files

The method write_molecule_sdfs will write SDF files for each ligand passing the filter and saved in a specified bookmark (can also include those who don’t pass by invoking the write_nonpassing = True option). The files will be saved to the path specified in the method call. If none is specified, the files will be saved in the current working directory. The SDF will contain poses passing the filter/in the bookmark ordered by increasing docking score. Each ligand is written to its own SDF. This option enables the visualization of docking results, and includes any flexible/covalent ligands from the docking. The binding energies, ligand efficiencies, and interactions are also written as properties within the SDF file, with the order corresponding to the order of the pose order.

rtc.write_molecule_sdfs(sdf_path = "sdf_files", bookmark_name = "eworst6")

Exporting tables or query results as CSV files

If the user wishes to explore the data in CSV format, Ringtail provides two options for exporting CSVs. First, you can export a database table or bookmark (requested_data) to a csv file with a name (csv_name) specified in the method call. In this case one must specify that the type of the requested_data is of database type table.

rtc.export_csv(requested_data = "Ligands", csv_name = "Ligand_table.csv", table = True)

It is also possible to write a database query and export the results of the query to a csv file. In this case, the requested data must be a properly formatted SQL query string. User needs to specify that the requested_data is not provided directly as a table.

query_string = "SELECT docking_score, leff, Pose_ID, LigName FROM Results"
rtc.export_csv(requested_data = query_string, csv_name = "query_results.csv", table = False)

Creating a new database from a bookmark

A bookmark may also be exported as a separate SQLite dabase with the export_bookmark_db method. This will create a database of name <current_db_name>_<bookmark_name>.db. This is currently only possible if using SQLite.

rtc.export_bookmark_db(bookmark_name = "eworst6")

#results in creation of output_eworst6.db

Finally, a receptor stored in the database may be re-exported as a PDBQT with the export_receptor method. This will save the receptor PDBQT in the current working directory.


Some usage notes

For many of these operations, if you do not specify a bookmark name Ringtail will simply use the bookmark that was last used for operations in the object. If it is a newly instantiated object without a “recent” bookmark, it will look for a bookmark of the default name passing_results. Most methods accept both individual options as well as grouped options in a dictionary format. In each of these cases, for arguments that are duplicated between the two formats individual options will overwrite that given in the dictionary.

Logging module

Ringtail comes with a global logger object that will write to a new text file for each time a new RingtailCore() object is instantiated. Any log messages at or above specified level will write to the log file as well as be displayed in stdout . The default logger level is “WARNING”. While logger level can be set at time of instantiation, it is also possible to change it later by accessing the logger object directly:

rtc = RingtailCore("database.db")
# log level defaults to "WARNING"

Available Ringtail arguments

Keywords pertaining to database write and file handling

Ringtail input options



Default value


DLG/Vina PDBQT file(s) to be read into database



Path(s) to files to read into database



File(s) with list of files to read into database



Specify pattern to search for when finding files

‘dlg’ or ‘pdbqt’


Flag to perform recursive subdirectory search on file_path directory(s)



Use with save_receptor and/or add_interactions. Give receptor PDBQT.



Flag to specify that receptor file should be imported to database. Receptor file must also be specified with receptor_file



Number of clusters for which to store top-scoring pose (dlg) or number of poses (vina) to save in database



Flag to indicate that all poses should be stored in database



Adds the interactions for poses within some tolerance RMSD range of the top pose in a cluster to that top pose. Can use as flag with default tolerance of 0.8, or give other value as desired [note]

0.8 Å if used


Find interactions between ligands and receptor. Requires receptor PDBQT to be written.



Specify distance cutoffs for measuring interactions between ligand and receptor in angstroms. Give as string, separating cutoffs for hydrogen bonds and VDW with comma (in that order). E.g. ‘3.7,4.0’ will set the cutoff for hydrogen bonds to 3.7 angstroms and for VDW to 4.0.



Maximum number of subprocesses to spawn during database writing.

number of available CPUs or fewer


Add new docking files to existing database given with input_db



Specify how dulicate results should be handled. May specify ‘ignore’ or ‘replace’. Unique results determined from ligand and target names and ligand pose. NB: use of duplicate handling causes increase in database writing time



Flag to overwrite existing database


Keywords pertaining to filtering and read/output

Ringtail filters



Default value


Worst energy value accepted (kcal/mol)



Best energy value accepted (kcal/mol)



Worst ligand efficiency value accepted



Best ligand efficiency value accepted



Worst energy percentile accepted. Giveas percentage (1 for top 1%, 0.1 for top 0.1%)



Worst ligand efficiency percentile accepted. Give as percentage (1 for top 1%, 0.1 for top 0.1%)



Search for specific ligand name. Multiple names joined by ‘OR’. Multiple filters should be separated by commas



Specify maximum number of heavy atoms a ligand may have



SMARTS pattern(s) for substructur matching



SMARTS pattern, index of atom in SMARTS, cutoff distance, and target xyz coordinates. Finds poses in which the specified substructure atom is within the distance cutoff from the target location



logical operator for multiple SMARTS



Filter for van der Waals interaction with given receptor information. [note]



Filter with hydrogen bonding interaction with given information. Does not distinguish between donating or accepting. [note]



Filter for reation with residue containing specified information. [note]



Filter for poses with at least this many hydrogen bonds. Does not distinguish between donating and accepting. [note]



Filter for poses with reaction with any residue. [note]



Will filter given interaction filters excluding up to max_miss interactions. Will log and output union of combinations unless used with enumerate_interaction_combs. See section for reference. [note]


[note] (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Requires interactions are calculated and present in the database.

Keywords pertaining to output of data

Ringtail output options



Default value


Name for log of filtered results



Flag to overwrite existing logfile of same name



Name for bookmark view in database



Data fields to be written in output (log file and STDOUT). Ligand name always included.



String for field by which the passing results should be ordered in log file.



Flag that if mutiple poses for same ligand pass filters, log all poses



Cluster ligands passing given filters based on the Tanimoto distances of the Morgan fingerprints. Will output ligand with best (lowest) ligand efficiency from each cluster. Uses Butina clustering algorithm



Cluster ligands passing given filters based on the Tanimoto distances of the interaction fingerprints. Will output ligand with best (lowest) ligand efficiency from each cluster. Uses Butina clustering algorithm (*)



When used with max_miss > 0, will log ligands/poses passing each separate interaction filter combination as well as union of combinations. Can significantly increase runtime. (*)