Updating database written with v1.0.0/v1.1.0 to work with v2.0
If you have previously written a database with Ringtail v<2.0, it will need to be updated to be compatible with the newest v2.0 Ringtail package. We have included a script rt_db_to_v200.py
to perform this updated. Please note that all existing bookmarks will be removed during the update. The usage is as follows:
$ rt_db_to_v200.py -d old_database_1.db (required) old_database_2+.db (optional)
Multiple databases may be specified at once. The update may take a few minutes per database.
Updating database written with v1.0.0 to work with v1.1.0
If you have previously written a database with Ringtail v1.0.0, it will need to be updated to be compatible with filtering with v1.1.0. We have included a script rt_db_v100_to_v110.py
to perform this updated. Please note that all existing bookmarks will be removed during the update. The usage is as follows:
$ rt_db_v100_to_v110.py -d 100_database_1.db (required) 100_database_2+.db (optional)
Multiple databases may be specified at once. The update may take a few minutes per database.
If trying to read a database created with Ringtail v1.0.0 with a newer version of Ringtail, you may encounter errors related to changes to the internal database structure. If you encounter this, run the follow commands (example of database named output.db
$ sqlite3 output.db
# opens database in sqlite
> ALTER TABLE Results RENAME energies_binding TO docking_score;
> ALTER TABLE Bookmarks ADD COLUMN filters;
If you encounter further errors related to views/bookmarks, please contact the ForliLab.